Catie Catさんのプロフィール画像

Catie Catさんのイラストまとめ

mostly anime, wrestling, and the gifs I make of it.

フォロー数:1518 フォロワー数:796

Natsume: his name is Kaname

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me: I'm watching Golden Kamuy for the plot
the plot:

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did Jyubei Aryu just become my favorite Blue Lock character because:
a. I always pick the character with long dark hair as my favorite
b. he has the same voice actor as Shuhei Hisagi
c. canonically, his favorite soccer player is Andy Carroll

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I love that J. Michael Tatum, either voices the strict rule followers or the flamboyant ruler benders

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now that it's confirmed Undead, Unluck is getting an anime my only two voice actor requests:
Mamoru Miyano as Shen
Junichi Suwabe as Billy

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future cards will be L for the Hermit, Abbacchio for the Moon, and Shikamaru and Asuma for Justice

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one of my favorite sequences in the manga and they nailed it 🥰

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Koda evacuating the animals as well

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so I'm working on a tarot card sleeve and for each card I'm using a manga panel and I found my Hermit

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second... I was today years old when I realized they have the same voice

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