jay 🌱さんのプロフィール画像

jay 🌱さんのイラストまとめ

jay / 28 / they/them gnc lesbian. please dont follow if youre a minor! 🌱 i love @gatornightmare 🌱icon by hardleybarkin, header by antimadss

フォロー数:717 フォロワー数:872

sona appreciation thread (@/metastatiic,@/mackoolzie, me, @/sadworm!!)

4 23

i own mc on the pc now and im obsessed with this stupid fuckboy cat furry skin. mine now

0 9

I love hart so much...please appreciate him

4 27

fighting art block

5 49

if u hate him ur wrong he's so cute. if I had a pokesona this would be it

0 11

I work outside. Send help

1 14