

I arrange music, write, and draw | 24, they/them, ace | Currently into: Fire Emblem, A3!, Ace Attorney

フォロー数:1246 フォロワー数:470

MISUMI (Part 1)
- "*happy noise upon seeing her favorite boy*"
- "he is having the most fun"
- "he's wearing two shirts? he's gonna be sweaty"
- "he has five triangle zippers, he's gonna be happy"
- "where are the straps going? does he have his knees tied together???"

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- "oh lord"
- "oh he's trying to be a prince"
- "there's no shirt at the top but there's shirt inside the sleeve???"
- "fluffy cuff stuff"
- "too many shirts"
- "this is not a real garment that you could open and close"

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- "yuki, who in theory committed all these crimes"
- (counting the layers) "there's a sheer shirt under a tshirt under a jacket... and white pants and a skirt on top of that?"
- "his raincoat is not protecting him from the rain"
- "the tape measures are annoying me the most"

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- "oh dear"
- "he has holsters like Sakuya! or weird little radios?"
- "i hate the harness"
- "the light green-yellow is definitely a relief, it's more restful"
- "shirt is definitely acceptable"
- "he has a boat anchor chain on his wrist... why"
- "the usual Tenma bedhead"

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CHIKAGE (Part 1)
- "*long sigh*"
- "this is giving me a headache"
- "why is he posing like that"
- "a too-many-colors-raincoat"
- (regarding the turtleneck and pants) "that's not too terrible"

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- "oh god"
- "nobody's ready for this"
- "they have him the patterny pants... party on the pants"
- "way too many shoelaces"
- "the dark rainbow on his jacket is better"
- "plain white shirt is good"
- "i don't think you could wear this to get a milkshake"

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ITARU (Part 1)
- "oooooo-kay?"
- "why is there green super-sized shoelace stuff? very suspicious and i don't understand what the purpose is"
- "why is his neck connected to his belt??? how is he gonna dance like that"
- "why does he need both a mystery harness and shoelaces"

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- "oh it's itaru"
- "that's not terrible"
- "those could be great pants"
- "is it spring? is it summer? what weather are they dressed for???"
- "the hoodie isn't that bad"

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- "oh no"
- "it's raining at the pride parade is what i'm getting out of this"
- "oh his jacket says spring :)"
- "at least he doesn't look grumpy"
- "if [the seiyuus] actually wear this on stage they are gonna sweat like dogs"

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- "I don't understand"
-"he has rainbow stuff in his armpits... is he trying to tell us something"
- "i like his friendship bracelet"
- "why does he have two cellphones strapped to him?"
- "wait, is the jacket see-through? (yes) what even is this"
- "he winks too much"

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