Jennifer R. Cookさんのプロフィール画像

Jennifer R. Cookさんのイラストまとめ

Channeled loving messages and illustrations with guidance from eLOVEution!
#illustration #storyteller #love #selfmastery

フォロー数:1900 フォロワー数:2547

What Love Says...
As a playful, loving, powerful creator you choose...
Place your hand on your heart.
Breathe in deeply.
Feel any experience with love.
Breathe out slowly.
Carefully choose thoughts, words, actions.
With the light of love, playful create.

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What Love Says... You choose loving progress creating an ever expanding masterpiece through your thoughts, words, actions. You are a loving, full heart creator, PURR on that.

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What Love Says... You are a work in progress and a resplendent masterpiece. You are your deepest loving desire, the highest version of love creating. Creator lovingly created you to be love. Choose to create with your love!

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What Love Says... In stillness listen to the raindrops drumming love to Mother Earth, dance with this, dance with love, in stillness you are bathed in love, always. Allow the flood of love to wash within and flow to and through your heart.

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What Love Says...Love is a cleansing rain, bathe in love, spring to unconditional love, dance, cleanse and be. Wash away and embrace the expansive, loving heart within. Love bath.

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What Love Says...PandaLOVEmodium
When taking care of you, you feel better, look better and better experiences flow your way. Choose better feeling thoughts, words, actions and play more feel the magic stirring within.

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What Love Says... Allow your heart to expand with gratitude. Love all experiences, observe, play with grace, joy and a smile creating through choice.
Be pandaLOVEmodium love, play and laugh more!

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What Love Says... Stand at the edge, the precipice of now, feel excited, optimistic, eager, releasing all doubt, impatience, unworthiness. A loving creation, feeling adventurous choosing to stand in the power of love.

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What Love Says... Take loving care of thoughts, words, actions for each creates and become a magnet, attracting more. Ask, what can be created? Stand for and choose right now, with love, for love – love for the highest good of all.

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What Says...Trees, birds, bees all of creation is lovingly connected to and through you. You are the song of the robin, you are the first flower of spring, you are raindrops filling an ocean, you are connected, you are a divine love connection.

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