

Tweeting about fats!
She/They. 27,

フォロー数:1828 フォロワー数:777

Ending off with one of my favorite commissions! Michelle was naughty in the Wonka tour and chewed some gum she shouldn't have. So Wonka decided to "hire" her as a blueberry oompa-loompa and put her through some hypnotic orientation~

🎨: @/cutiepopblue

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Anyone curious about my boi?

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Bedroom Berry mood~

Every so often, Michelle actually enjoys swelling up into a helpless blueberry state. Especially when her boyfriend is so very good at *ahem* juicing her~

Art: Wonkalicious

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Chris' ice cream addiction always gets the best of him, so Curtis decides to record his struggles as a cautionary tale for his overindulgence. Perhaps for other purposes as well~

Art: @/catrubs

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Solo pic of the big, naughty berry girl~

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Michelle (top-left) got caught up in some candy factory shenanigans with a bunch of other naughty tour guests. She's not the only blueberry, but she sure is the biggest! Wonder if Wonka will be able to get to her in time before it becomes permanent~
🎨 @/Mad_n_Evil

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Poor Michelle never seems to learn her lesson when it comes to experimental blueberry anything! And she sure isn't done swelling yet! You'd think she wears that jumpsuit on purpose...

Art: Wonkalicious

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