

25↑ I don't draw anymore

フォロー数:400 フォロワー数:1208
# jjba

this is stupid as shit but jotarobot making me cry?? likelier than you think

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marigolds are my favorite

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12. I give. persona 2. I haven't finished either of them (and I've heard IS gets whacky as shit) but I really love the characters (and Maya reminds me of a certain someone, you know who you are). it's whoop-ass time

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he is not used to compliments

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8, 9, 10, 11:
I have a certain obligation to put YYH, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, and Inuyasha here, and all in one post because they remind me of my older sister. These are all very typical, but the point here is Nostalgia Trip

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3. For the sake of simplicity, I'm putting Drakengard and Nier in the same post. Funny thing is, I tried playing Nier when I was in high school and hated it, then tried again in 2017 and never looked back. Sorry Bailey

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2. Fushigi Yuugi. Another one of those series that has the biggest sense of home for me. I didn't really like the anime adaptation (though the opening still SLAPS) and it's a little embarrassing but I go absolutely bonkers fucking yonkers over this series. Also, Nuriko

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1. Obviously I would put ff as a whole on here, but I'm breaking it down to my top 3. I grew up with these and they are my favorite stories/comforts, and I can play them back to back without getting bored. They give me the greatest sense of home and ground me when i'm unraveling

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