

Kagamine/TeamOS/SH/PH/puyopuyo/FA Art student, major in manga/comic art(=゚ω゚)ノ~pixiv: 12207593

フォロー数:80 フォロワー数:59

Aaaaah Team OS is the best❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Life drawing on laptop(●′ω`●)

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Original manga [Gladys]startes publishing*\(^o^)/*
Chapter 0: Once upon a time... :https://t.co/A12fQmAylU

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Happy birthday to Kagamine❤️❤️❤️

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Merry Christmas☆~!! Have a great holiday everyone~

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Yeah~~~I finished all my first semester‘s homework~!! Let's draw more Rin and Len❤️

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OMG!! I found it!I found it!! Seriously, if i'm not in class, I'm crying right now;;;;;It will come in 10 days❤️❤️❤️

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