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Buy Vigia! I thinks it’s a good time! I also like the cover from @wnikeartist 😋 https://t.co/WWUzm7LHtR
We are 10 days out and Amongst the Stars really needs a big boost to hit our funding goal! 14 stories and 110 pages of content for your reading pleasure! Support indie! @KickstarterRead @bandofbards
#ATSandChill #ProjectWeLove
Link 👇
Buy this anthology! The art and story are too good! And lots of other great artists and writers included in 110 pages of content.
Amongst the Stars on @KickstarterRead!
#ATSandChill #ProjectWeLove https://t.co/nftMAqJVHy
Amongst the Stars is a really good looking comic book anthology! Did you know that at the $250 tier you can get the anthology + digital @bandofbards for life?! Thats a lot of comics to enjoy!
#ATSandChill #ProjectWeLove
Link to the campaign below👇
Amongst the Stars is still chugging along on @KickstarterRead! Give us some support, and read below for the goodies I’m offering up just for contributing $1 to the campaign!
#ATSandChill #ProjectsWeLove
Guys…look at this art. It’s insane, you want this anthology! You want to read this story. Support Amongst the Stars on @KickstarterRead
#ATSandChill #ProjectWeLove https://t.co/L55u5r0CwY
For a $5 tip I’ll include a digital sample pack of all my comics to date and a ton of as of yet unpublished content. You’ll get a selection of unlettered pages from the comics, covers, plus character designs and concept art across 10 comics! Over 70 pages of content.
Need more incentive to support Amongst the Stars on @KickstarterRead or short on 💰 but still want to see the comic succeed?! I got you covered.
For just a $1 tip to the campaign I’ll email you the self published 1st issue of ID along with this awesome @simonroyart cover!
$4,900! Let’s get this to $5k this morning and I’ll show off another amazing page from Rio!
Support Amongst the Stars on @KickstarterRead!
#ATSandChill #ProjectWeLove
@Nahui_FA @SeigsGallery @KickstarterRead @bandofbards I mean just look at this stuff! @SeigsGallery is too good! And your story was just downright awesome!
Let’s fund this baby!