

🇫🇮🐍 I scream weekly in twitch. Chaotic scuffed. occasionally an artist and completely addicted to Tekken :^)

フォロー数:56 フォロワー数:101

come and hand over the glue sticks right now

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the fact that you can change Steam game banners/covers is information I feel like I shouldn't have acquired

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Don't feel like streaming today so moving the stream for tomorrow. Here's a blob catkune to look at instead.

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made some art of my delinquent self

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My birthday's tomorrow so I'll do a 'special' birthday stream at 3 pm +3GMT and go until I get tired. Probs gonna start a master mode run in Terraria and do a little bit of Blazblueing.

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little bit of an art drought coming up, working on my new vtuber model and some other related art so I'm drawing other stuff less

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Hey here's the part 2 Valentines couple art with me and my favourite character from Blazblue. This is not a week late so that's a W in my books.

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Weekly art stream Valentines Day special part 2: I became an anime girl to ship myself with my favourite fictional character.

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all I have to invest is this weird gremlin picture that appeared in my PC, I think my rig's haunted

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Some Baiken fanart because I'm addicted to GGST

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