

gurt @fayetridge

フォロー数:452 フォロワー数:940

something ive been thinking about lately is how catra was rarely ever afraid of adora because she knew that adora would never hurt her. like imagine adoras pain of knowing that her and catra are enemies and trying so hard to hate her but cant.

35 146

sometimes it really hits me like wow. catra and adora love each other. like they really have been in love since they were kids and had to fight all those years. they kissed on the lips and are in love. like wow.

44 213

do you guys think after dt fought adora disguised as catra, they were like “why the hell was adora flirting with me arent you enemies” to catra

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“i remember thinking i had you,”

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idk if anyone else noticed this but during this scene, catra and adora are holding each other,, catra reaches for adora too

20 138

do you ever just think about s5 catradora. like. they just. they

14 80

thread of adora pics

43 249

i feel like no one talks about how heartbreaking season one is, like going on adventures with your best friend and then everything changes when youre not there to see it happen

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