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Today (Jan. 9th) was National Balloon Ascension Day, and this is clearly something based off the ending of an old film entitled 'the Red Balloon', and if this film truly inspired the 2009 Disney/Pixar movie 'Up', I wouldn't be Surprised. #nationalballoonascensionday #Balloons
January 5th was the Birthday of Mr. Clancy Brown, the voice behind Mr. Krabs, Otto (SRMTHFG), Lex Luthor of 'Superman: the Animated Series', Mr. Cardsley, the Demon Cat of 'Adventure Time', Dr. Neo Cortex, Uka Uka. #ClancyBrown #CrashBandicoot #SpongeBob
Remember when the Putty Patrollers of 'Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers' make such Bubbly noises, Imagine if they were Female and it was just Girl Talk this whole time. I know some different Species who make such Noises during their Chat, Fish Women & Female Aliens!
This would be Interesting, a VA Tribute to Ms. @KarenFukuhara , the daring voice behind Alexis and the Sewer Queen of 'Craig of the Creek', Kipo Oak of 'Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts', and Glimmer of 'She-Ra and the Princesses of Power'.
Nothing much to say here, but here is a Voice-Acting Tribute to Ms. @ItsAJMichalka (AJ Michalka), who is (you guessed it) the voice behind Stevonnie of 'Steven Universe', and Catra of 'She-Ra and the Princesses of Power'. #StevenUniverse #SheraandthePrincessesofPower
This is another something for Ms. @MrDiddles181 (Kerrine Riley), who wanted me to draw yet another character from 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure', named Foo Fighters, and not to be confused with an American Rock Band of the same name. #JoJosBizarreAdventure #jojo_anime
This is an Random Art trade for a Closest Friend of mine on Social Media named Ms. @MrDiddles181 (Kerrine Riley), who wanted me to draw her Favorite Characters from 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure' named Guido Mista & Weather Report. Hope you like 'em my Friend! #JoJosBizarreAdventure
December 1st has Come, and it's time to get into the festivity of the Holiday season, and for this Day, it is also Antarctica and National Eat a Red Apple Day. And what I could think of is an old Home Video game that I remember playing called 'Antarctica Adventure' from Konami.
While some folks are too Skeptical on Chris Pratt voicing Mario in the Upcoming Illumination Mario movie, here is a Tribute to the Gentleman who put the Possibility in Mario's voice, Mr. @CharlesMartinet , who voiced Mario since 1995, starting with 'Mario's Game Gallery'.
Some more Illustrations of British Urban Legends set in Edward and Roji's Universe. Featuring the Red Rider, and Herne the Hunter. More to come, and in the Future, I will make Illustrations and Character Designs based on Japanese Urban Legends.