

Welcome to my echo chambers. Icon created by @zeroarmsgrani. My name is offically pronounced as ser-en-gee, but you may call me Cen.

フォロー数:152 フォロワー数:173

(Probably will delete later, but fuck it. An excuse to post these 4 again.) https://t.co/YUk1nvaka6

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These two things are released on the same week! Chris Pratt is Loogamon????

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I mean it’s a common sort of design trait.

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I don't know how to feel that I learned of you through that one series you deleted into the nether.
Though, in seriousness you must've forgot one of your works was the front page of Wikimon for years!

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It's supposed to cover the most of the body. As that'd be a pretty lousy shield if it's a bit too small. Even if it's supposed to be it holding forward (for defending) to the viewer's perspective, it should certainly look larger than the Digimon.

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It's strange to think in spite of being part of Xros Wars, the art style used for Digimon from Hunters is not same as the former series.
Like, the line strokes and shading are not exactly the same. Gumdramon is more similar to what's used in general for most Digimon.

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So... This Digimon's dub name is called Kimeramon, right? You get that exact name if you roughly translate the katakana from キメラ. But the official romanization from the site (and Wikimon) calls it Chimairamon. And I'm like, what???
The same happens with Valdurmon/Varodurumon.

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Don't believe me??? Captain Planet had one. Also Dukemon is pretty close if you ask me (maybe more so if we talking Chaos Dukemon or Megidramon). https://t.co/6oap0ShgRR

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I'm kind of fascinated about the three pictures I posted about Griffomon. Well, have four I guess.
I actually had mused more than once about making a gimmick Twitter account that accounts for the weird Digimon design variation.

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Oh yeah, Griffomon normally lacks fangs, but these two illustrations curiously depict it with them. Also showing the fangless/anime design for comparison.

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