

He/Him 27 | JRPG Enjoyer | Occasional Anime Watcher | Touhou Enthusiast | pfp by @Celtreny

フォロー数:333 フォロワー数:400

Jacqli (Ar Tonelico)
There's sadly not much I can say about Jacqli without spoiling important plot parts. To the outside, she seems like a very abrasive person who stops at nothing to reach her goals, not valuing lives. However that may just be a mask... Jaqcli GOAT.

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Juna Crawford (Trails of Cold Steel)
Remember how I said strong women are great? Juna values freedom and justice over everything else, which takes root in her nationality. She is insanely strong-willed and sometimes a bit of a meathead, but that's great in it's own way. Juna GOAT

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