

wacky artist - in my 20s - he/him - bi - androgynous.
⚡⚡⚡ TEAM SURGE ⚡⚡⚡
Cetazeon species was made by @clownular
pfp by @2cool2FartArt

フォロー数:731 フォロワー数:270

pixel art for
twas a fun draw :D

4 11

madam with the gamer joose
commishhhhhhhhhhhhhh for

0 2

i love it when he turns into this character.

0 9

bruh i just started watching this show and I'm already developing a crush wtf

1 1

praying its either remy or necro

1 60

please tell us in the sequel we get to play as Apparitor cause its about his redemption arc!!!

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