

Fangirling over anime charas 24/7 esp satoru, choso, haitani ran, chrollo and aki my love 🙆🏻‍♀️

フォロー数:379 フォロワー数:407

I’ve been running for so long
All that’s left is skin and bones
Close my eyes, fight to carry on~

13 38

Bersama para husbu. Akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk polyandry gengs 😎

10 50

“Something on my face ?” tanya Ran.
“Nah, just can’t take my eyes off your face,” jawab Taka

29 94

I found similiarity between senju x yuzuha and musical duo t.A.t.u 😩

0 10

Cowo gepeng is the love of my life 😎

Anyway, siang !❤️
Fanfic sanzu aku up malem ini deh 💖

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