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Nyoo nyoo she is genuinely, definitely, totally not dorky😊 hmm hm
He's good at washing the dishes✨️👽
#RenZottoArt #Arcadiart #MariArt
Minjem oc nya buat jadi eksperimen ya @neil01naeil :> telat buat #neil1k_dtiys #dtiys sih, anw hope u like it🙈
Selamaat buat 1k+ followers, si jagonya rkgk✨️ @shoruiino ✨️
My entry for #rui_dtiys
Then i made this..
#yorforger 🥰 #spyxfamilly https://t.co/7sNbABM3yD
Numpang ikutan, abisnya gemess wkwk
Skalian reveal oc yg dh lama bgt ga digambar :')) https://t.co/hFgRwp2h4R
@winterfely Uwiiw congrats~ hmm dia lbh ke persona si, tp anggep aja oc yg blum pernah ku reveal☺️
1 left to go! Tapi karikatur :')))) abis itu mau ngejar dtiys
Morning(= ̄▽ ̄=)
Bangun pagi kuterus ngewip~
smoga senin mu menyenangkan kawand✨️🍹