

Just a girl who likes her stories and video games. (Also art. And especially my friends.)

フォロー数:1839 フォロワー数:258

And let me add, for anyone in the future reading the pinned tweet, if you're looking to commission Ini, you are coming to a quality artist. I've received a number of commissions that were all stupendous. Ini's commissions are worth the investment.

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I just got a fun commission in from I decided to give some love to one of my personal OCs, Harry. Thank you so much for the great piece of art.

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A good Scottish Pokemon Trainer meme tends to cheer me up. I find it a refreshing take on the protagonist role.

I hope this helps you feel better.

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Summer is closing in and I’m ready to celebrate. I don’t normally do this, but let’s have some fun at the beach!

Thank you so sooo much, You made me look so beautiful, and your swimsuit is darling. I love every little detail here. This is one of your best works yet!

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I’m super happy to share this. Summer is practically here and I wanted to celebrate a little. Eir is experiencing her first volleyball game. Unfortunately, the instructions, “Hit it as hard as you can,” was poor advice.

Thank you so much This is absolutely gorgeous!

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Oh so you know Midori too?

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After moving to Ponyville, I learned of the shenanigans has to deal with. I wanted to help and felt like retrieving some overdue library books might be a nice gesture. Buuuut, things kind of blew up.

Thank you so much for such a fun piece. I love it!

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I figured it was probably a typo. Thank you. I appreciate it. I love my giraffe form, with my lamia a close second.

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I received a fantastic commission from I love this so much. I wanted a secondary MLP avatar character. I love my giraffe oc, but it’s nice to have an option that actually fits into pony sized accommodations. Meet my Kirin, Strawberry Breeze.

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