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Charlotte Hackingさんのイラストまとめ

Programme Director @clpe1. Anna Craft Creativities in Education Prize winner ‘22. Picturebooks & poetry. Co-creator of The Balancing Act:

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For endearing stories that will capture the hearts and minds of readers, you can’t do better than . I’ve bought a copy of Iris and Issac for one child or another every year since it came out. Signed books, prints and cards on her site too:

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Very late to this party Rich, sorry, double header of webinars yesterday afternoon & evening. One of the texts we discussed was Alexis Deacon’s Croc and Bird which ticks those boxes. We’ve Also just done teaching notes for Oliver Jeffers’ What We’ll Build:

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My recent favourites are nature based. First these from ’s A Mouse Called Julian...

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So delighted to hear that The Space We’re In by , illustrated by Laura Carlin and edited by was Highly Commended for the . One of my staff picks of 2019 and a book I’ve recommended to others on so many occasions...❤️

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This collection blew my mind when I first came across it. ’s Rhythm and Poetry is lyrical perfection. Poems jump off the page with rich melodies. So many children have been inspired to read and write poetry through this collection of fresh, dynamic poems

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We’ve got free teaching notes for Marcia Williams’ The Stone Age, Hunters, Gatherers and Woolly Mammoths linked to Satoshi Kitamura’s Stone Age Boy, written for on the website, which you might find useful: 🙂

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Respect to ; when they bring out poetry for young children it’s a head above on production. Following A Great Big Cuddle & Out and About this anthology is perfectly produced for the age range. Large format, rich colour illustrations, impossible to resist

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So inspired by meeting the fabulous folk at at the Somerset Literacy Network Conference. Such diligence and a marvellously ethical approach to their selling of books. Their twitter bio says it all really. And they recommended some of my absolute favourites at the mo:

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The Power of Reading offers recommendations for high quality texts and teaching sequences to build whole class English lessons around, promoting engagement in reading & writing. These are great examples for the Stone Age, Rainforests and Greeks:

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