

22 year old nerd :3 who is trying his best at life (abdl stuff found here )

フォロー数:2710 フォロワー数:983

Ok look just because I accidentally got regressed dose not mean I am a baby ok >\\\\< I swear next time this happens I need to be more convincing to the next person who finds me (been wanting to do this art thing but work make it a drag + semi art block )

3 10

Guess we got another baBEE who’s sweet as honey and that cute lil wolfie is

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I got a few :3 here are the artists @/BubblePuppers @/FlimsyRivers

3 28

Hey everyone I’m gonna open for commissions i am in need of cash before my accounts go into the negatives for my bills there will be 5 open slots and I can make them YCH for these three picks or any ordinary picture you want me to draw

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Should I make this a YCH ?

1 15

Older and newer art i made ami getting better ?

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Hey there everyone I’m in need of some extra cash low on funds this end of the month so I’m opening up for commissions there are 10 slots open and each slot cost is 15 USD here are some examples of what I draw

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Well here’s an massive art dumb I been working on this project for like a bit and it’s a bunch of peps as coraline characters
and mister B
as Wybee
and and me as the ghost kids
as other father

8 13

Gonna open up for commissions I need some cash hit me up if anyone is interested here are some examples of art !

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