

Loves to draw and draw some more!
Currently making the rpg @ressurflection !
Blog at;

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A Wip battler of a dragon (although, technically wyvern) boss for Ressurflection! I intend to make it smile and do some further things with its mouth!

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One of the spooky animated battler's i have been working on for Ressurflection! Quite a spooky boi!

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As I draw closer to demo release I thought I would give a shout out to projects that are made by awesome people and you should check out! I also drew cute chibis of characters from them! Blog post link below.

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Thought i'd show you folks some of the wip enemy designs for the game! They range from cartoon coot to spooky spookers!

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Cute little plushies of characters you can inspect! Attached some of the original sketch/doodles, the go over and a screen shot! A lot of inspects have CG images.

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A selection of screenshots in various wip mappos of the main hub city, Horizon Bluff!

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Going over them base sketch CGS! Base line art and block colour!

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