

i haven't paid my tax in 30 years and i smell like a dirty air vent

フォロー数:209 フォロワー数:393

>silent warrior that only speaks in grunts and screams
>makes a beep noise when he's low on energy

link is an ultraman

148 332

"gen 6 is peak" ok then explain what this guy's fuckin deal was

9 132

discotek pfp jumpscare

33 85

my favorite ship dynamic🥰

6 30

How wasps look a you dead in the eyes before getting hit by wasp insta kill 9000 spray

3 8

classic manga adaptations really was a random ass trend in the early 2000s

78 264

I should watch more dezaki shows cause these shots go hard

1 11

>gets a tumor
>no chance of survival
>miraculously survives because her sister sacrifices herself
>gets fucking killed in the next episode

1 6