

bad TYPE-MOON/竜騎士07 arts. ‼️18+‼️Ciel/Akiha/Alice, バンドリ/SciADV/RE/WA2 | NO art reposts w/o perms. RTs/likes appreciated 💕 comms OPEN ❤️@tsukihimari❤️

フォロー数:423 フォロワー数:1626

I have drawn Shiki.. being cute af

Gotta thank a lot for being very nice and choosing me to draw this! Took me some time but I definitely enjoyed doing it

188 511

I wasn't able to give it my all but I tried, fellow Alice fans😭hopefully it is still good

75 170

slow progress 😭 I've been sleeping a lot

11 48

I needed a wtc character to draw

1 20

Checked my fb uploads. omg Sanson 😭

1 9

My beloved Akiha collection so far.

I'm curious, which one do y'all like the most?
And what kind of Akiha do you wanna see? (for research purposes 😌)

75 240

My first Akiha for the year

177 613