

Artist. 🐸 Free the #tezhotpotato. 🇺🇸…

フォロー数:2816 フォロワー数:996
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Just for kicks I ran the tree prompt again to test out ’s AI algorithm update.

Here are some notable mentions that I will not mint, but share here because I care. 😍

(I’ve capped the collection at 40 pieces)

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I’m here for the fun.🥳

“A legion of Crocs sandals androids waging war on humanity in dystopian hellish smoked-filled scorched-Earth setting, destroying everything with huge explosions from missiles and bombs.”

0 0

Ai aRt iS nOt ReAL aRT.

…PROMPT: A legion of Crocs sandals androids waging war on humanity in dystopian hellish smoked-filled scorched-Earth setting, destroying everything with huge explosions from missiles and bombs.

3 22

Oh boy!

Love it. Well done, Gents.🔥

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