

I only want to live, plant potatoes and dream....
Czech comic artist and illustrator, open for commissions ♡

フォロー数:352 フォロワー数:861

Ultimate draw this again!
back at 2008(elementary school :D) me and my sis did this One piece collab....and here is re-draw after 13 years ♥ (of course, better one-running crew-is drawn by my sister https://t.co/IeqqeAjCcW =_=)

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and kind of ending of this part...see you next week :D

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Me and my bloodles winter fingers, winter is painfull time for drawing ×_× ...atleast I was able to draw a meme with these!

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comic storyboard vs final page version 2.: really quick drawing, composition made on first try...only I had no idea about position of the main character...so in the end I drew him four times :D

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late for but... here is something!
I really want to continue with this diary comic and each week upload few pages ♥ well, I hope you will enjoy it :3

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this year I am working on fairy-tale comic for children ♥ here I am trying to find out some kind of stylization ^^;

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One piece, One piece and more One piece ♥

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there is facebook challenge for Movember to “draw person with moustache each day” I was able to made just four, but it was a lot of fun :D

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Elves passing through forest ♥
something for

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