

tempat aku ngebacot, kalo terganggu unfoll aja tidak apa hehe
ig : cheezstik_
DA : cheezstik

フォロー数:101 フォロワー数:62

If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

🙈🙈🙈 https://t.co/kpobJ3CZty

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Kayaknya kalo aku seriusin malah jd jelek so I'll just put it here

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hello maybe you are interested
here's my commercial pricelist:
normal :
- bust up 200k
-half body 280k
-full body 400k
chibi :
-bust up 75k
-half body 100k
-full body 150k

+ simple bg : 10k-50k

thank you!

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