

im serpy or seraph im gay and im 25 (any pronouns) / i post bugs / i really love @tallykale 🦐

フォロー数:471 フォロワー数:9694

like its smoothed and all and theres no funny vertex groups or anything influencing it, its just acting really weird

0 5

i think it would be really funny if, instead of this furry scene revival thing happening rn, there was a late 90s early 2000s generic non-distinctive furry oc lovingly rendered in traditional art revival

30 126

my current acnh lineup of guys, all random villagers, i love them all

0 27

this bimboland binch is looking downright sick as hell

0 22

new bimboland outfit

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my friend the gooj ❤️

3 21

im asking scourge claw questions because im working on this, should it be 3 claws in between the toes like this or 4 claws on top of the fingers? poll below

0 13

my good character that i made on bimboland .com

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