

フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:124

Sorry I fell off the art-posting wagon here, here's a Stricklake kiss I did after watching the finale

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Pearl is my wife!!!!!! Had to paint her after catching up on the most recent eps 🌸

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Forgot to put this up from a few weeks ago. Yet more fanart 👻

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I saw PacRim2 last night and I'm still shook........... here's a thing I doodled after rewatching the first one a couple weeks ago.

make 👏 pacrim3 👏 a 👏 gay 👏 love 👏 story!!!!!

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Another Vlad... trying to practice being a little looser with my painting and not overworking it

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Some Stricklakes... because I Love Them so much haha

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I hope Barbara Lake is having a great day

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Some monster concepts and the final-ish monster (bottom right of the concepts)

We dubbed him........ Big Sexy Melt Man

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I was tagged by but I'm p sure I don't even have 10 friends on Twitter so???

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