Chelsea Kennaさんのプロフィール画像

Chelsea Kennaさんのイラストまとめ

🎨 Freelance illustrator 🐾🐈 Kitten enthusiast ♿️🦓 I sometimes tweet about EDS, ADHD, and other disability issues ✨🌈🌧️☕️🌱🐱🎮✨

フォロー数:1685 フォロワー数:5596

Somehow I missed that yesterday was I don’t have any new cat art to share this week (Soon™) but for now, here’s some old favorites:

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Unfortunately I don’t have easy access to my oldest work atm but this is the oldest stuff I can find online. And trust me I started out drawing stick figures too! I have pages and pages of stick figure mice somewhere.

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This (left) is about as far back as I can go using just the internet (12-15). Compared to work I did in my early 30s on the right:

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I wish I had some! I lost touch with her after college unfortunately.

I was able to find some slightly older work of mine (left) from about ages 12-15, (keep in mind this is after about 12-15 years of almost daily practice). Compared to more recent work in my 30s (right):

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If I get a chance in the near future I’ll try to dig up some of my older stuff and share it!

For now this is the oldest stuff I can find online. Ranging from around ages 12-19 (1998-2005). And keep in mind that’s still 12-19 years almost daily practice.

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And there were times my art got WORSE. These 4 images were done at 18, 21, 27, and 31. At 21 I was burnt out after 4 years of art college and apparently forgot how to draw on-model Lion King faces. But clearly I remembered again eventually.

And we all have good days and bad days

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But was my ability to draw gone forever? No!

I did this a few weeks ago. I’m working on another piece right now and it’s actually working.

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16 on the left, 27 on the right:

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These pieces were done 6 years apart:

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Here is my art at 15, 16, and finally 27 (about 9 years ago):

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