

💓 illustrator and fanartist 🌱 20+ | she/her ☕ ko-fi is open!

フォロー数:178 フォロワー数:1106

thinking about roy's hands and everything they've been through

37 105

they're married? they're MARRIED

117 254

not quite equivalent exchange :)

102 262

the colonel and his lieutenant? they seem close…

78 228

that one official art where they're dressed up?? yeah.......
(also two different versions bc i couldn't decide!)

64 151

we’ve been together for a long time

136 396

early 1900s clothing studies but i can have a little fma, as a treat

75 194

hello, i'm chewy! i draw a lot of fanart (primarily fma / royai) 🥰

you can also find me on tumblr:

91 292