

Me:ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ~ I like: drawing and toys. ❤️ : Bravely Default & One Piece! || bravely crafting

フォロー数:1367 フォロワー数:922

His expression looks so dumb to me now but I want to finish this XD;

9 58

It's rushed but maybe I'll have time to fix things later XD;

13 41

Group Hug! 🤗🫂Collab with (sketch/coloring) me: Lines. Thank you for drawing Bravely with me! <3

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Here are some pics of the commission of Elvis (black mage) and Adelle (thief) from BDII. Thank you for commissioning me! 💕💕💕 I hope you like it, I learned a lot painting it! 😅❤️

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You ever wake up one morning and have some really random thought and you’re like... yeah ... okay.

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