

🇨🇳 「It's time to Rejoice」中/Eng
ins: aforbbbried | 微博: Ari_啪叽 | chanlix fanart (っ˘з🐺🐤

フォロー数:38 フォロワー数:9553

lix: Mind your own business, Curly Top.


198 906

lix: hyung I just want to give you a massage...
Chris: thanks but lix you don't have to take my clothes off ??

(:P)💙 from talker ep.51

289 1497

🤭Sixth-grader chris sometimes picks up third-grader lix to go home with him after school.
They are neighbors :D

68 328

Got a bite. 🥺

37 251

乁( ˙ ω˙乁)
One day, vampire Chris picked up a dirty stray CAT and took it home to make a long-term blood bag.

After cleaning up and checking the teeth, it seems that the gender and species are mistaken: "WHY NOT A CAT? "

129 571

imagine that chanlix campus au💙( ˇωˇ)
(sorry I LOVE curly hair🥺🥺)

33 204