

フォロー数:7 フォロワー数:1127

This is true and wise.

1 2

That's tight, you are alright. Congrats and welcome to the

0 2

Glad you made the jump! We fly together; congrats and welcome to the

1 3

Cool, looks like a Bitcoin miner. Welcome to the

0 1

Love that GU, so unique! Ya gone done good Kim. Congrats and welcome to the

3 5

Hoolio in the house! Love the GU, great to have you. Congrats and welcome to the

2 8

1,2,3, professor Kaspiy; we future kings of web 3. Glad to have you join the

1 2

Picked up this 204 boost Kong this morning. I feel underexposed in - a sleeping giant IMO!

18 91

no vo, no vo, no vo, there's no limit! Welcome, great to have you on board.

5 12