

The nerdiest chicken of Nerdychicken, 35+ years of D&D, Mom, Fighting the Mental Health battle daily, VO and editor for The Graveyard Tapes (she/her)

フォロー数:1580 フォロワー数:2150

This is mostly a note to test out some posting issues we're having, but also to say HOWDY!!!!!

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I saw Dan do this and I thought it was so cute! I'm gonna do it too. Now my only concern is: will anybody respond? I'm trying to be more active but most of my friends still don't seem to be seeing my Tweets. Here goes nothing!

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Message of the day: You are worthy, You are NERD!

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Ok....I'm watching The Umbrella Academy, season 1, episode 8, and I'm pretty sure I just saw the Rosebud Motel from !!!

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