

Redefining entertainment with unforgettable experiences! 🐵

フォロー数:2819 フォロワー数:61341

added 2 special Chimps this week to take their total to 18! A holo background combined with a fox mask, plus a diamond fleece baldy. Insane pick ups!!

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picked up their 11th Chimp this week with a Chimp whose background goes perfectly with their apple stick! Meanwhile added a second Chimp with this amazing rock chakra baldy! LFChimp!

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Finally, let’s welcome , who acquired 3 Chimps this week to start their Chimpers adventure! A vibey looking blue-eyed chimp, plus a new addition to backpack gang are quality, but the highlight is the amazing black and white cold rogue Chimp!!

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Welcome , who acquired this clean looking bearded Chimp this week! This Chimp looks ready for adventure!!

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entered the Chimpverse too this week, picking up 2 Chimps who headed straight to the Dojo! ’s red fox gang continues to grow stronger!

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Let’s also welcome the , who chose a Chimpers as their first ever NFT acquisition. A worker by day and naturalist by night, this Chimp is a great looking one!

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Arguably the most unique Chimp with a new home this week, this incredible 5-trait Chimp was picked up by . From the bucket hat to the nexus suit, to the kabuki facepaint, this Chimp has it all! Welcome!

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A warm welcome to , who picked up this smart looking Chimp to start their Chimpers adventure.

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Another new Chimp holder this week was who also picked up 2 new Chimps! Both looked decked out for a fishing adventure… and one took it to another level with their choice of headwear. Welcome to the Chimpverse fren!

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picked up their very first Chimp too this week! With their blackout top and classic specs, this chimp looks ready for the day ahead! Welcome!

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