

私は黄褐色のラインを持つアスレチックガールが好きです。// Read “Monday’s Forecast for Hareyakana-shi” on Globalcomix, INKR, and NamiComi

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Her caboose is also large and her mana-makers aren’t too shabby either

0 1

Wow! Thanks for the support, Cheeo! I hope you enjoy it!

3 15

People be making comics to spearhead the indie comics scene, grift as a mediocre youtube commentator, or forward some dumb movement. I’d rather be the Diogenes of comics, one who urinates on fans, fame, and fortune. Public masturbation, but personified as a comic book

0 6

Hah, interesting! She does bully the senpai sometimes

0 2

The Jack Murphy conservative. An opportunistic individual, formerly leftist then pushed right circa Trump. One who sells snake oil to the naïve under the guise of an idealized caricature of a republican. Felled in an instant, only through revealing a VERY contradictory lifestyle

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