

All for #2wish. Love @m34nismind and @bplannnnn forever. 中文翻译点击“喜欢”查看. All photos for MeanPlan,pls don't recreat & cut logo. IG: chris_sunnn Weibo: Chris心儿

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My BabyMean. Happy birthday na.
Wish you all the best. I love u. forever&forever na

44 19

Happy Birthday to my boy

Wish you all the best. You are always the best boy, do everything you like and I will always support you.

Be with you forever na na na na

52 18

Happy New Year na ka 🎉🎉🎉🎉

In the new year, be strong, healthy and happy.💙💚

45 53

Happy Birthday na ka.P'.After a whole year of hard work, I hope you will be safe, happy and healthy In the next days.

You are the best manager.

5 8

Happy Birthday to P'Gong

Hope you can be happy, be healthy.
Thank you for everything you have done for MeanPlan.

Thank you so much. Love u na

p. s. Hope you like this fanart. 😆😆

38 37

Happy Birthday. BabyPlan
Be Happy forever na
Love u as always na ka

326 127

I am willing to accompany you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter for the rest of my life❤️

2wish Happy Valentine's Day💙💚

p. s. Pls don't cut logo & recreat

185 123

I wish you all the best in Chinese New Year.

115 62