Chris Deeさんのプロフィール画像

Chris Deeさんのイラストまとめ

Writer. Creator of #Batcat series Cat-Tales (@cattales0). Drinker of tea.

フォロー数:470 フォロワー数:2189

Arcane is some major league world building that doesn't waste time explaining what audience can easily figure out assuming a) they made a conscious choice to watch a fantasy program and b) are facing the screen with their eyes open. ("The blue orbs blow up" Check!) 3/

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Good morning and welcome to Breakfast Twitter's favorite game show "What The Heck Did Joe Straczynski Do Last Night?"

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Catharsis is the opposite of our representation. You're not meant to see yourself up on that stage but to FEEL yourself in someone you don't resemble in appearance or life experience.

The Poetics is a listing & exploration of best practices: DOs to maximize your chances 3/

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Example: Pic 1 is not Batman & Catwoman watching the Death Star nuke Jedha & we know that because of Pic 2 which also tells us they are watching a sunset & not a sunrise. Two pictures: sun high, sun low. You make them a sunrise by connecting the images w/ your imagination. 3/

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I very much want the next movie or TV show that introduces an evil doll or ventriloquist dummy as an apparent threat to resolve it w/an (age appropriate) kid in a tshirt ripping the little mother in two & referring to it as "Going full King Shark". Who's with me?

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There's a lot of Gustav Klimt in Tim Sale's early Selina (TLH when she was purple) that was sadly forgotten when he adopted the goggles (and all they imply) The former is better in every way.

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I'm absolutely certain these were a major influence in Dali's Divine Comedy woodcuts.

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CT readers know where this is going.

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First thought: corner boxes are a little like marginalia. Second thought: OMG there needs to be a comic with marginalia.

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