

Professional art director/illustrator/comedy photoshopper. Follow me for good pics and photos of ham I sometimes feed the sparrows too.

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George and Mildred by MC Escher

43 548

Oh let's face it. I'm not going to stop now. I'm in too deep.

86 396

Had a pretty crappy day so l thought I'd try and take my mind off everything tonight with a bit of drawing

4 64

When I commissioned to do the new cover(s) for I had trouble adequately describing the grumpy pissed off expression I wanted on the apes… so in the end I just took a selfie and sent that to him… Like looking in a mirror…

9 178

New issue of mag out today. 6 different fungible covers by to collect. Also featuring inside (from an art perspective) and the legendary . Music by

13 27

On Friday the legendary and lovely retired as ’s photographer. 32 years with the same company is something most of us will never experience. In the few years we worked together I had the best time and a nicer man you’ll never meet. You’ve earned it Colin!

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