


フォロー数:2858 フォロワー数:4325

Don’t buy depreciating assets in this economy. Invest in yourself. I’m bullish on you.

2 4

I think this one is more me

6 48

You are enough.

4 23

You are in charge of how you feel. What do you want to feel today?

2 17

Everything you need is within yourself, chip away at the excess and you'll find your true self underneath.

5 16

It takes a team to build yourself. Find your team, find those that prop you up, find those that help you grow, find those that support you when you're down. Much love to you fren.

9 35

Nearly everything is outside the scope of your personal control. Turn all that energy inward and make an incremental improvement on yourself. 1% better each day.

4 31

Even my therapist is down bad in life.

1 21

Very few are left, feels like an empty echo chamber. The space feels like it's healing, I love those of you that are still here.

9 66

!pray for us to find peace with one another, to have more empathy each other, and for us all to grow and thrive. Love you all.

3 11