

That loud guy who talks to himself about games as if somebody's listening!

フォロー数:219 フォロワー数:237858

Hey, guys… I made myself the Aegis’s Driver!

508 5487

I'm sorry, I have a new love. His name is T-posing Heatran.

587 4831

I see Luigi's Mansion trending! One of the most consistently good series I've ever played! 2001 to present, it's nailed Luigi's personality and made him the lovable unlikely hero he is! I can't get over how good the animation in these games are and how it continues to improve!

519 4410

Dude, Kid Icarus: Uprising is so good it hurts. You needed to be reminded of it.

2281 11396

I had a lot of difficulty remembering the names of My Hero Academia and was encouraged by friends to share this chart of what I was calling everybody. These are just the ones I can remember. MY HERO ACADEMIA: CHUGGAACONROY EDITION, GO!

938 5040

Real talk, Juju isn't even close to my worst Xeno character. Oh, he's terrible and a dumb kid, don't get me wrong. But I just get some sort of weird joy out of him and all the memes that follow. Someone like Lorithia on the other hand, I get no such joy out of.

222 2772