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O ANIMA SENAC FOI MT BACANA!! me diverti mais comprando coisa bonita do q vendendo Essas prints Aqui !!!! (gostou do gancho???)

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sneak peak de uma das minhas favoritas pq usei TODA MÍDIA IMAGINÁVEL, ficou uma mistura mt legal

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sinceramente eu só n sabia como continuar esse aqui ent so ajeitei o rascunho e to postando

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versão mais clarinha pq sou indecisa

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ela escorregou num montão de tinta vermelhakkkkkkkk é só tinta gente ahahahhhhhhhhh

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here's a c!ranboo WIP that i dropped, it was going to be titled Lethe!

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hi!! congrats on 7k! your art is amazing and i've had a lot of fun on your streams! :D (i'm cyanline on twitch ahah)

here's some of my stuff :)

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✨Hi there! I'm Malu and I'm a Brazilian aspiring artist :)
I usually draw fanart, but I want to work on original concepts soon

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