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wisteria in waves bloom in profusion, just so into this bay. let's row and enjoy it every year. Japan, detailed art by Hayao Miyazaki and Makoto Shinkai
近江の海夕波千鳥汝が鳴けば心もしのにいにしへ思ほゆ 柿本人麻呂
on the sea at Omi, plovers fly the waves at dusk, and with their cries, my mind is turned, to thoughts of long ago. Japan, detailed art by Hayao Miyazaki and Makoto Shinkai
富士の嶺に降り置く雪は六月の十五日に消ぬればその夜降りけり 虫麻呂
on Fuji's peak, the fallen snow, when on the Sixth Month's 15th day has vanished, that very night will it fall again. Japan, detailed art by Hayao Miyazaki and Makoto Shinkai
熟田津に船乗りせむと月待てば潮もかなひぬ今は漕ぎ出でな 額田王
from Nigitatsu, would we set sail, and did await the moon, but with the tides against us, now must we go a'rowing. Japan, detailed art by Hayao Miyazaki and Makoto Shinkai
My lord, may your reign continue for a thousand, eight thousand generations. Japan, detailed CG art, by Makoto Shinkai