

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:52

K十周年おめでとう! Finally I finished my K 10th anniversary drawing! It is the only anime that I followed for 10 years. Thank you Gora Gohands for creating K, esp Munakata, Mikoto and Fushimi kun. Love Mikorei and Reisaru(rei)♥

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The biggest ritual of Munakata shrine~ Miare festival is on 1 Oct. Maybe Reisi's bday also comes from that, since Gora named him after Munakata goddess. Anyway here's an old drawing of goddess ver of Reisi. The 10th anni drawing will come soon

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宗像さん お誕生日おめでとう! いつも通りの誕生日絵です。月下美人を描きました、月下美人は十月に咲く花ですよ、そして宗像さんにはお似合いです。尊礼を永遠に愛してる。Happy birthday Munakata Reishi!tomorrow i will post K 10th anniversary drawing

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お誕生日おめでとう尊! そして 尊礼出会い23周年おめでとう(8.11).HAPPY Bday Mikoto! And happy Mikorei 23th anniversary. P1 the line was what Munakata VA said to Mikoto VA on his birthday this year Omg. And as usual there's genderbend. It's natsumatsuri time

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スパイ尊さんと殺し屋礼ちゃん ♀と超能力者アンナちゃん、お似合いですね。Spy x Family parody Mikorei+Anna. The fun part is Anna does have the supernatural power of reading mind. Fem Munakata is the best

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Refined the drawing a bit. I was in a hurry last time... I changed Fushimi's pose slightly. Fushimi dragging Munakata's coat trying to cover her thigh is cute

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アナ、私には夢がある、魔法スタになります。When watching Frozen 2, I suddenly felt that Elsa's hairstyle looks like Giorno's. So i did a Giorno parody of Elsa....She must be a stand user

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今日は宗像さんのお誕生日です。おめでとう! いつも宗像さんと尊礼が大好きですから、誕生日絵を描きました。尊さんと一緒に幸せになって(//∇//)

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Today it's Suoh Mikoto's birthday. Happy birthday Mikoto. I do a birthday artwork for Mikoto and Reisi every year. It's the 6th year already. Love you always. 今日は周防尊の誕生日です。誕生日絵を描けました。お誕生日おめでとう

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