

They/Them • 💖🐅@_fightintigers🐅💖 •👉 Art @Cindork_

フォロー数:934 フォロワー数:510

just got home from the hospital after my lung got messed up from pneumonia and i wanna watch strange worl with bens but I’m double thinking it because this dude looks like one of his ocs and these tweets had me howling idk how im gunna make it

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Oh hey, you look great 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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[kazoos intensify]

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I had it only once during my hospital stay way back,but I would love to try it again 😔✨

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congrats on your new look king!

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Aww, thank! Yeah, I don't go too far with designs since I'm lousy with thinking up cool ones admittedly, but I did make a joke this would be the year I'd change it to a dragon hehe

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these are my personal favourites

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