

Kaosnumret. 팬계정//20+.

フォロー数:277 フォロワー数:355

whatta fun session working on this one

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karena kemaren incidentally udah nyelesein draft dan ngedit setengahnya, aku menghabiskan sebagian waktuku dengan: doing a shrimp and fishes study in AI

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La poem's trilogy series, illustrated by yeon yeo in (yeo1n on instagram) https://t.co/JOF6t3cvu4

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Another day to sip warm tea alias ngeliat semua hewepen nugu2

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Brikut saya lampirkan portofolio siapa tau anda berkenan merekrut saya 🙏

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Anyways i made a cute sticker design

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A bit of color experiment and more of "i need to figure out how to color the clothes later on"

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다후니 롤케이크

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