

//cinnamon bunny art
//twitch affiliate
//software engineering student
//banner by @dansyronart
//icon by @Briskby
//vassal to @SussyBnuuy

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:372

happiness is floating on a marshmallow in a lake of hot chocolate

6 12

okay who took a bite out of my pepsi??

5 19

there's something different about cinnabun today but it's hard to say what exactly

4 12

day 15
haha funny relatable essential worker definitely not based on anyone in particular nope

4 7

day 13; their hobbies include slacking off and lounging around

5 12

beware my giant pastry attack!!

4 7

hey here's a cinnabun
i should resume the 100 oc challenge soon but i just reaaaaally wanted to draw cinnabun

2 5