Cinta Vidalさんのプロフィール画像

Cinta Vidalさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:363 フォロワー数:3643

Mural in Ordes (Galicia) for curated by
These are strange and dystopian times, where we isolate ourselves in our homes, protecting us from an increasingly maddened outside world.

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🌊Tsunami democràtic () it’s a non violent movement in favor of the rights, freedom and self-determination of Catalan people. I’m Tsunami too. Spain must sit and talk.

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Mural for the entrance of the Main Hall of the International Iniversity of Catalonia(). The challenge was to represent all the disciplines taught by the university and the divesrity of its students. Initiative by in collaboration with .

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Gironins i gironines! Aquest dijous a les 7h faig una xerrada al Caixaforum de Girona.🎉Tinc 10 entrades per regalar, si en voleu una envieu-me un missatge per privat 😊

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