

citrus | 26 | aroace | he/they/she | Commissions: OPEN | Tumblr is citrus-art-and-life! Ciao~! | DNI if you are an asshole, etc etc etc

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:387

resucebot icons, part 1

19 69

danny phantom college reboot part 2!!!

0 4

my danny phantom college reboot if i could make it askdjas part 1

1 6

good with kids... sharp teeth... oh no... he’s meeting all skyfire’s standards...!

14 56

rescuebots part 8, [BANGS FIST ON TABLE] NEW DAD NEW DAD NEW DAD!!!!!!

24 97

part 7! starscream gave it to him bvassdgfhgjfhghfd

16 69

rescuebots part 6! all the seekers come together to train the rescebots!

18 80

rescuebots part 4! warp and thunders could have sworn sounwave didnt have that many kids the last time they saw him????? ah well

20 57

rescue!decepticons, part 3!!! starscream Cannot deny his love of his new children asdkljsakd

53 191

rescuebots starcream part 2! he got full custody since optimus abandoned them on an island for like 10 years askldsad

55 170