

I’m Finch (she/her), and this is a Twitter for COMICS. 🦩 I also like to draw colourful animals over on @fruityfinch! 🦜

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Drawn here much larger than they are in person!

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I’ve been drawing a lot lately, just not comics! Though I should be starting some ADHD meds in the near future and I’m very curious if this will affect whether I can work on comic projects like I’ve often intended…… anyways, here’s some of the things I’ve drawn recently:

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Some ungulates! Good word.

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I haven’t actually drawn a daily for a week now so instead, here’s a goose! 🪶

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I think last week I got poked with needles on 4 separate occasions for 4 different reasons. Very jab-heavy week.

119 💉

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Dropped and broke a bowl so I went into central London to get a replacement. This was an error of judgement. But I DID get a new bowl… at 20% off.

116 🌊

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“Encouraged” overtime is not high on my list of things I want from employers tbh. If they’d just said it was “optional” it might not have been such a red flag. But “encouraged” in a job interview context surely means “huge expectation” once you’ve signed a contract…

111 🚩

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109 🤢

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Haha gross.

107 🩹🩹🩹

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Mephistopheles has got a fixation with my scraped knee. Don’t know why. He’s just GOTTA TOUCH.

105 😵‍💫

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