

My art, mostly Bleach-related.

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:149

Morri, Bleach OC by art_might6 on IG, chilling & judging you on a sunny day ☀️ Not sure about the lights, so have 2 versions

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Tesla + Rosa chinensis 'Viridiflora' 💚 Kubo admitted he forgot to give him a Hollow hole... so here's an AU where it's on his neck/nape (his high collar gave me the idea)

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On Women’s Day, Rukia & Orihime got gifts from nakama boys! The gifts are on 2 pictures with girls. Can you spot them & guess who gave what? To thank, Rukia drew pictures & Hime made cupcakes for everybody ❤️

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live-action Rukia 💜 done for a friend, the butterflies are renders

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A quick pic I did for Luppi's BD 💜 Made him look a bit too sweet, but oh well!

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Renji ❤️ An older pic for a friend who really loves him. I dig drawing his hair, so I had fun doing it!

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Nel & Nnoitra as college students for eidinazavr @ IG 🤓📒

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Happy birthday to Sakura Haruno! 🌸 An older art set.

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RenJackie family 💗 It's my ultra rare ship, wish it was more popular! At least I can draw myself fan art if no one else will 🙇‍♀️shaded + flat colors versions

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